This is now the DIGGER 2.0 website! We have updated the website to include new features and tools like NEASE, which you can find here.
If you would like to continue using the old version of DIGGER, you can access it here.
Domain Interaction Graph Guided ExploreR (DIGGER) integrates protein-protein interactions and domain-domain interactions into a joint graph and maps interacting residues to exons. DIGGER allows the users to query exons or isoforms individually or as a set to visually explore their interactions. The following modes of DIGGER can be used interchangeably:

Isoform-Level analysis

Visualize the interacting domains of proteins and compare the interactions of different isoforms.

Exon-Level analysis

Input an exonic region to analyze the effect of alternative splicing events on protein interactions.

Network-Level analysis

Explore interactions between multiple isoforms and generate a specific subnetwork from a list of protein variants or transcripts.

Network Enrichment Analysis of Splicing Events (NEASE) allows the users to perform a functional enrichment analysis of alternative splicing events in the context of protein-protein interaction networks. This tool is now integrated into DIGGER and can be used to analyze the functional role of alternative splicing events. Start your analysis now!

NEASE analysis

Run the NEASE tool to do a functional enrichment analysis of alternative splicing events

If you use DIGGER, please cite:

Zakaria Louadi, Kevin Yuan, Alexander Gress, Olga Tsoy, Olga V Kalinina, Jan Baumbach, Tim Kacprowski*, Markus List*. DIGGER: exploring the functional role of alternative splicing in protein interactions, Nucleic Acids Research.
* Joint last authors.

Reminder: DIGGER works better on Chromium-based browsers and Firefox. If you need help, have a look at our documentation or contact Elias Albrecht or Olga Tsoy.
The DIGGER 2.0 website is free and open to all users, and there is no login requirement.