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KeyPathwayMinerWeb APIIntegrate de novo network enrichment into your application using KeyPathwayMinerWeb
Version: 1.0
IMPORTANT NOTICE: For job submission, parameters need to be submitted as POST form with the content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. Other content types are not accepted.
Table of Contents
Submit a new job (requestSubmitPost)
Submit a new job
Request bodyjob (required)
Body Parameter — a job to be submitted
Return typeProducesThis API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
Responses200An object containing the state of the analysis and the result if finished / an error message otherwise.0The result object with success false and a description of the problem in the comment field.
Submit a new job asynchronously (requestSubmitAsyncPost)
Submit a new job asynchronously. This method returns the same result object as the submit method. In contrast, however, it will return an empty result object with success false immediately. The API user is encouraged to use the runStatus method to check if the job is completed and to subsequently use the results method to retrieve an updated results object containing the solutions.
Request bodyjob (required)
Body Parameter — a job to be submitted
Return typeProducesThis API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
Responses0An object containing the state of the analysis and the result if finished / an error message otherwise.
Get the results of a specific job (requestsResultsGet)
After submitting a job asynchronously with submitAsync, this method can be used to retrieve an up-to-date version of the results object. If the job has been completed successfully, this object will contain the solutions. If the job failed, an error message will be included in the comment property. Note that this method should only be used after the runStatus method has returned an objected with the property completed set to true.
Query parametersquestID (optional)
Query Parameter — The id of the job to be queried
Return typeProducesThis API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
Responses0An object containing the state of the analysis and the result if finished / an error message otherwise.
Get an update about the progress of a specific job (requestsRunStatusGet)
After submitting a job asynchronously with submitAsync, this method can be used to query KeyPathwayMinerWeb for the progress of the job. This is useful to create a progress bar and to inform the user when the job is finished.
Query parametersquestID (required)
Query Parameter — The id of the job to be queried
Return typeProducesThis API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
Responses0The status of the queried job
List of available networks (restAvailableNetworksGet)
Returns a list of networks currently available in KeyPathwayMinerWeb.
Return type
ProducesThis API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
Responses200An array of graphs.0No networks found
Get network id using the network name (restNetworkGet)
Query parametersname (required)
Query Parameter — Name of the network
Return typeProducesThis API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
Responses200An object containing the network id and name0Network not found
Number of jobs currently in queue (restQuestsInQueueGet)
Return type
ProducesThis API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
Responses200Number of jobs in queue
Parameters of a specific KeyPathwayMinerWeb run (restRunParametersGet)
The parameters that were part of the KeyPathwayMinerWeb network enrichment request
Query parametersid (required)
Query Parameter — ID of KeyPathwayMinerWeb run
Return typeProducesThis API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
Responses200An object containing nested run parameters0No run parameters foundModels
KpmRun UpwithPerturbation Boolean If a perturbation technique was used (for robustness analysis in future versions of KeyPathwayMiner Web
parameters RunParameters Detailed parameters
RunParameters Upname String The name of the run. Defaults to the date and time the run was started
algorithm Object The algorithm that was used. Either a heuristic (Greedy or ACO) or exact.
strategy Object The search strategy that was used. Either individual node exceptions (INES) or global node exceptions (GLONE)
k_values KValues Definition of the k parameter range in this run (node exceptions)
removeBENs Boolean Whether border exception nodes should be removed.
unmapped_nodes String What should be done with unmapped nodes, i.e. should they be added to the positive list (always included in solutions) or to the negative list (categorically ignored).
computed_pathways Integer The number of solutions that should be computed
graphID Integer The ID of the network that is used
l_values LValues Definition of the l parameter range in this run (case exceptions)
l_samePercentage Boolean If multiple datasets are defined, should the same l value be used for all of them (as a percentage?)
samePercentageValue Integer The l percentage value that should be used for multiple datasets
withPerturbation Boolean Whether to perform robustness analysis during the run or not. Available in future versions of KeyPathwayMinerWeb
perturbation Perturbations Parameters for the perturbation of the network in case of a perturbation run (for future versions of KeyPathwayMinerWeb
linkType String Either OR or AND to define how multiple datasets should be combined in the analysis.
attachedToId String The quest id this job has been attached to.
KValues Upval Integer Starting value of k range or k value if k is not ranged
val_step Integer How k should be increased within the range
val_max Integer The maximum k value, i.e. the upper limit of the range
useRange Boolean If k should be ranged
isPercentage Boolean Should the given values be interpreted as percentages?
LValues Upval Integer Starting value of l range or l value if l is not ranged
val_step Integer How l should be increased within the range
val_max Integer The maximum l value, i.e. the upper limit of the range
useRange Boolean If l should be ranged
isPercentage Boolean Should the given values be interpreted as percentages?
Perturbations Uptechnique String Perturbation technique, for example 'Node-removal'
startPercent Integer Perturbation percentage range lower value
stepPercent Integer Perturbation percentage step size
maxPercent Integer Perturbation percentage range upper value
graphsPerStep Integer Number of random graphs to be created (permutations)
Graph Upname String Name of the network to be analyzed
attachedToId String Name of the job where the network is supposed to be used
contentBase64 String Base64 encoded representation of the network. The network file needs to be in Cytoscape SIF format
Dataset Upname String Name of the dataset to be analyzed.
attachedToId String Name of the job where the network is supposed to be used
contentBase64 String The input dataset needs to an indicator matrix with a header. Row names are not allowed. The indicator matrix should contain 1s for active and 0s for inactive sample/case - gene/protein interactions. Note that quotes should not be included
ResultNode UpgID Integer The database ID of the solution (ResultGraph)
id Integer The database ID of this node
name String The name of this node, e.g. entrez gene id or gene symbol, ...
overlapCount Integer Only useful for the union graph. How often is this node represented in all solutions?
color String Only useful for the union graph. An internally used property to color nodes according to the overlapCount
ResultEdge Upid Integer The database id of this edge
source Integer The id of the source node of this edge
target Integer The id of the target node of this edge
value BigDecimal The edge weight if any
relationshipType String The type of relationship as defined in the SIF file, e.g. pp for protein interaction
ResultGraph Upedges array[ResultEdge] set of edges in this solution
nodes array[ResultNode] set of nodes in this solutions
k Integer the selected k value for this solution (node exceptions)
l Integer the selected l value for this solution (case exceptions)
isUnionSet Boolean Is this an ordinary solution (false) or the union of the solutions (true)
nodeSetNr Integer This is solution no. x
maxNodeCount Integer The size of the solution, i.e. the number of nodes
Result UprunId Integer The id of the run. Used to look up results
resultGraphs ResultGraph An array of solutions returned for the request
comment String Comment on the outcome of the request. Contains error message in case success is false
success Boolean Whether the request was successfully completed or not
resultUrl String A URL to the web interface, where the progress and result of the network enrichment can be seen