
For support issues or suggestions on how to improve LINEX, please contact:


Please cite one of the following papers if you use LINEX:


LINEX is free software under the aGPL v3 license.

If you want to inspect the code or run LINEX locally on your computer check out the git repository.

Currently deployed version: 2.4.1


Dr. Josch K. Pauling
bidt Junior Research Group LipiTUM
Chair of Experimental Bioinformatics
TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan
Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum 3
85354 Freising

 Cookies & Disclaimer

We provide LINEX without any warranty. You are using LINEX at your own risk. Uploaded data is processed on our servers and saved until manually deleted by you or automatically after a certain time. For further information, please see the Delete Data page. We are using cookies, to safely connect your browser session to your uploaded data. No personalized information about you is stored and cookies are automatically invalidated after 500 minutes. We recommend to delete your data manually after using LINEX. While we are doing our best to protect your uploaded data while it is processed on our server, we cannot give any warranties. If you have sensitive data, we recommend to run LINEX locally on your computer (no programming knowledge required). Have a look at the Code section on this page for the git repository containing installation instructions and further details.